About Stephen Johnston

“I’m running to be your MLA for West Kelowna-Peachland! This riding has always been my home and I’m committed to serving the people and this region. I grew up on the Westside, married my high school sweetheart Leah, and together we’ve raised our two incredible children here. Leah and I are proud of our children, we’re proud of our community, and were proud to call this place home!

With a lifelong commitment to centre-right values, I’ve spent the past 6 years as a West Kelowna City Councillor and RDCO Director, earning your trust in the last two elections. As a Journeyman Carpenter, entrepreneur, and full-time professional in the construction industry, I bring a practical, balanced perspective and a strong grasp of local issues. As an Independent MLA, I’m free to represent you without party pressures, prioritizing true accountability and your interests in government. This is our chance to restore balance in the legislature and overcome the divisive politics that have affected BC and our communities for too long.

I’d be honoured to earn your support and be your voice in Victoria! If you feel like you can resonate with my core values, please feel free to donate to support our cause!”

– Stephen Johnston


Here’s how I plan on helping BC. If you’d like to know more about specific ideas I have click here!


British Columbia currently ranks the lowest in Canada for healthcare services, a significant decline from our previous status as a leader in healthcare. It’s time to turn this around. We need to reinstate our healthcare workers, ensure a sufficient number of doctors, nurses, and nurse practitioners are available, and provide every British Columbian with access to a family doctor and the care they need. These are fundamental requirements that need immediate attention.

Locally, we must expand our healthcare services to include medical imaging, renal support, and a comprehensive healthcare institute that exceeds the capabilities of the current Urgent Primary Care Centre (UPCC). At a minimum, we must ensure that our UPCC is adequately funded, staffed, and operational to effectively meet our community's needs.

Family & The Cost of Living

To ensure BC's future, we must provide stronger support for families struggling with rising living costs. Essentials such as food, fuel, and housing are increasingly out of reach, leading to children missing out on activities like sports, arts, and recreation—and, tragically, even meals. This deepening crisis of despair is fueling mental health issues, substance abuse, and homelessness.

It's crucial that we rethink our approach by addressing these challenges early on. This includes expanding access to counselling, mentorship, and recreational opportunities, enhancing community support systems, and investing in jobs that support families and foster a stronger, more resilient community.

The Economy

British Columbia is rich in natural resources, and we need to leverage these assets responsibly and sustainably, creating high-quality jobs that can support families for years to come. Currently, many residents are just getting by rather than thriving. It’s time for a change. Governments must establish the right conditions and opportunities for individuals and businesses to thrive and reach their full potential. Achieving this will require true, visionary leadership.


Housing affordability and accessibility must be restored. Many British Columbians are struggling just to pay rent, let alone afford a home. Young adults have largely given up on homeownership, as saving for a down payment becomes nearly impossible in a market escalating far beyond their income levels. We need to closely examine and streamline the provincial and municipal regulations and reduce red tape in the building industry to expand opportunities and improve affordability. Real change is needed to support our future generations and make access to housing and homeownership a realistic goal again.


Governments are meant to work for us, but right now, it feels like the government is more focused on serving itself. Under the NDP over the past 7 years, the government has grown nearly 40%, while access to services has declined. For every private sector job created, 5.5 public sector jobs have been added, which puts more strain on taxpayers. We need a government that’s efficient, effective, and truly working for the people, delivering the services we need without wasting our money.

Environment & Natural Resources

We have a responsibility to steward the land and resources we've been entrusted with, but stewardship doesn't mean inaction. By expanding Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) exports to coal-dependent markets, we can help reduce global emissions. Improving forest management practices can support our lumber and building industries, promote healthier forests, and significantly reduce wildfire fuel loads—the largest source of GHG emissions in BC.

Currently, government policies hinder industries like forestry and mining under the pretense of environmental protection, forcing us to rely on resources from countries with poor ethical and environmental standards. And let’s not forget about innovative clean energy options that enhance resiliency and provide redundancy for British Columbia's energy infrastructure. Let’s bring these jobs back to BC and manage our resources in an innovative, ethical, and sustainable way!